Home News Readers sound off on consequences of congestion pricing, St. Patrick’s Day and...

Readers sound off on consequences of congestion pricing, St. Patrick’s Day and empty apartments

Don’t gloss over congestion pricing’s drawbacks

Manhattan: Re “How to save congestion pricing” (op-ed, March 12): Lucius Riccio neglected to mention far-reaching and long-term consequences for NYC. Limiting pollution and traffic are important goals, but negative impacts have not been sufficiently explored.

Bridge and tunnel tolls into Manhattan are already expensive, and I know several professionals who have gotten jobs in New Jersey and moved there. Some Manhattan-based companies are considering leaving or converting jobs so employees work from home to avoid the congestion toll. Those commuting from areas without public transportation will limit coming into Manhattan, and those who have to travel uptown to get their cars won’t stay in town as long after work. The ripple effect will reduce the customers for theaters, movies, restaurants and shops — not just by those working from home, but by fewer non-residents venturing into Midtown if they have to take subways. Not only are subways noisy, dirty and often dangerous, but they desperately need improvements (like safer trains and stations, and more elevators and escalators).

Those who continue to commute and who can’t afford almost $50 a day in tolls will swamp the George Washington Bridge and neighborhoods above 60th St. to park, creating congestion and more pollution there. More Ubers, Lyfts and taxis will continue to clog streets and will have to charge considerably higher fares. Taxi drivers I’ve spoken with are worried: They already work long hours to survive and fear they won’t get as many riders.

Though it initially seemed positive, when the complete picture and consequences are considered, congestion pricing will create considerable losses for NYC and its merchants, restaurants and cultural resources. Fredda Seidenbaum

Dinging drivers

Flushing: Enough with this congestion pricing scam. It will not fix traffic, it will only make drivers more frustrated. Some people have no choice but to drive into or through this made-up Central Business District area. There are tons of unused bike lanes that in some places force motorists to drive on the same side of the street! Really? I’ve seen maybe five people over these years use them responsibly. They weave in and out of lanes, hang in your blind spot and then kick your car! Make them drive opposite traffic to reduce accidents. Bike (and bus) lanes have removed needed parking spaces and then they increase the parking meter rates! The MTA needs money? Reduce executives salaries and make them publish where and how all the money is gathered and spent. Susan Scharf

Irish pride

Warwick, R.I.: Today will be the highlight of celebrating Irish-American Heritage Month. It can be a time to reflect on a few of the cultural contributions that our Irish immigrants made from the mid-1800s to the present day. When our ancestors arrived after fleeing the potato famine in Ireland, they were greeted with NINA: No Irish Need Apply. They then took the dangerous jobs of police officers and firefighters. Historians have stated that they contributed significantly to the professional development of both services. They also became lawyers, teachers, iron workers, politicians, railroad workers, medical professionals and religious leaders. This year at the St. Patrick’s Day parades, applaud them when marching by in full dress uniforms. Show them that we care for all their dedicated and life-saving service. We lose approximately 200 yearly from on-the-job deadly incidents. Bob Sweeney

Deadly driver

Glen Ridge, N.J.: That dangerous piece of filth who recklessly murdered that sweet young boy in front of his brother and mother (“Tragic boy, 8, ‘loved playing’ with siblings,” March 15) should never see the light of day. He was in such a rush to get somewhere that my only hope is he spends a very long time going nowhere! May he rot in prison. Francine Ferrara

Ruthless ruler

Little Egg Harbor, N.J.: I am 100% with Chuck Schumer regarding Benjamin Netanyahu (“Even Chuck faults Bibi,” March 15). The man has made himself emperor of Israel. We have been supporting Israel since its beginning with our taxpayer funds. Netanyahu refuses our advice. He wants to lead a biblical war where everybody of the same tribe is obliterated from the face of the Earth. That means women and children, even their animals. We are a country that has always defended the weak, poor and innocent. How could we keep being complicit in the extermination of innocents? When are we going to cry out for the more than 30,000 and more who continue to die to satisfy a vengeful desire to wipe out a people? We have always been better than this. Children must not suffer while we watch and do nothing. God is watching! Rose S. Wilson

Smear coverage

Manhattan: The latest attempt by the Daily News and the Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) to label Rep. Jamaal Bowman an antisemite is his support for a mural that includes Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan. Bowman’s comments clearly indicate that he is not in agreement with Farrakhan. Nevertheless, he is a historic Black person who belongs in the mural. In 1963, Nation of Islam provided security for the March on Washington for Jobs & Justice. The young men wearing bowties behind Martin Luther King Jr. were members of the Nation of Islam. Your continued attempts to smear Bowman as antisemitic suggest The News has its own agenda that appears to align with Zionists who believe calls for peace between Palestine and Israel are antisemitic. Finally, Bowman consistently votes for any and all funding for arming Israel. What more does The News and DMFI want? Lee Levin

Party insurgents

Mamaroneck, N.Y.: Marjorie Taylor Greene said, “MAGA is now in control of the Republican Party.” They should call it the MAGA Party, but they are hijacking the old name. After years of pointing fingers, they are all now the ones who are truly “Republicans In Name Only.” Paul Matthews

No freebies

North Bergen, N.J.: In what world are PBA cards presented to avoid traffic tickets not considered a form of corruption? Don’t let me get started about PBA shields proudly displayed on dashboards and windshields that prevent you from even getting stopped. Cops, lawyers and judges, pay the piper like the rest of us. Angel Jimenez

Immigration beneficiaries

Middle Village: With all of this screaming, yelling and shouting from society regarding the immigration issue, has anyone noticed the three groups that are completely silent on the issue and love the status quo? Big business, small businesses and the farmers. John Puglisi

Empty homes

Manhattan: Re “A crucial fix for rent regulation” (op-ed, March 14): Howard Husock urges a rent increase for long-occupied but now vacant rent-stabilized apartments. But the NYC Rent Guidelines Board has reported landlords have netted $500 to $800-plus (depending on the borough) income over expenses (not including mortgage and tax payments) per apartment per month for many years. What were landlords doing with that money — rather than keeping their apartments up to code, as required by law? Few tenants want to live in squalor. Granting the 6% increase, as proposed by Husock with the vacancy reset bill, rewards landlords who neglected their duty. Further, it’s not clear that the tens of thousands of apartments that landlords say they are holding off the market as dilapidated need large infusions of cash to become habitable. Several in my building don’t need much more than a coat of paint and perhaps updated kitchen appliances. Sue Susman

That’s her name

Rosedale: To Voicer Sarah Alboher: Are you serious? You are definitely entitled to your aversions, but Cher?! First of all, they were known as Sonny and Cher — both using first names only. And secondly, when Sonny passed in 1998, he and Cher had been divorced for several years and he had been remarried twice. Who does Cher think she is? An artist who’s sold millions of records, has added acting to her repertoire, even winning an Academy Award, and sold out shows as a singer in residence in Las Vegas. P.S. I am a music fan, but not necessarily a Cher fan. Shirley Jordan


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