Home News Nasty fight between fans at Giants-Padres game caught in viral video

Nasty fight between fans at Giants-Padres game caught in viral video

A trio of baseball fans is going viral after a man and a woman were filmed hitting each other in the stands at Friday night’s game between the San Francisco Giants and San Diego Padres.

The video begins with the woman, donning a Padres jersey, shouting in the faces of two men in Giants jerseys before flipping them off and yelling, “F–k you.”

She then slaps the face of the man nearest to her, shocking him, to which he responds by shoving her down the stairs as she’s walking away. Nearby onlookers motion as if to try to calm the man down.

As of the time of publication, the tweeted clip had been viewed more than 340,000 times.

Though the earlier audio is difficult to decipher entirely, the fans’ argument appears to be in relation to the game, which saw the Giants win 8-3.

It’s also unclear what preceded the encounter, though it seems to have ended with the man’s shove, as the woman continued to walk away. There didn’t appear to be any injuries sustained.

There were seemingly no arrests made nor charges filed as a result of the altercation, with San Diego Police telling Fox News they didn’t receive reports of any such incident from the game.

San Diego Police did not immediately respond to the Daily News’ request for comment.

Perhaps adding to the heated nature of the fans’ exchange, the game was significant as it marked Bob Melvin’s first win since coming on as the Giants’ manager last October after departing the Padres, where he’d been since fall 2021.


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