Home Life & Style Flowering plants to sow in May that will see big summer blooms...

Flowering plants to sow in May that will see big summer blooms in warmer months

With the arrival of May, gardeners are greeted with warmer temperatures, longer days, and the promise of vibrant blooms adorning their outdoor spaces. 

Next month presents an ideal opportunity to sow a variety of flowering plants that thrive in the springtime sun. 

Whether you’re seeking fragrant blooms, bold colors, or delicate petals, the options for May planting are abundant and exciting.

To help gardeners in their quest for floral beauty, experts at the Royal Horticultural Society have shared a selection of flowering plants ideally suited for May sowing.

From cheerful annuals to perennial favorites, these recommended varieties promise to fill gardens with colour, fragrance, and charm throughout the spring and summer seasons.


Delicate and airy, cosmos are beloved for their daisy-like flowers and graceful foliage. 

Sow cosmos seeds directly into well-drained soil and provide them with full sun to partial shade for optimal growth. 

These versatile annuals are perfect for filling gaps in flower borders, adding height to mixed plantings, and attracting beneficial insects to the garden.


Renowned for its soothing fragrance and beautiful purple blooms, lavender is a classic choice for May planting. 

Choose a sunny, well-drained spot in the garden and plant lavender seedlings or young plants, ensuring they have room to spread and thrive. 

With their aromatic foliage and long-lasting flowers, lavender plants bring a touch of elegance and tranquility to any garden setting.


With their striking spikes of colorful flowers, salvias are a standout choice for May planting. 

Select from a variety of salvia species and cultivars, including perennial varieties like Salvia nemorosa and annual types like Salvia splendens. 

Plant salvia seedlings or young plants in fertile, well-drained soil and provide them with regular watering to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering.


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