Home Health Experts warn a noticable change in someone's mood could be an early...

Experts warn a noticable change in someone's mood could be an early sign of dementia

And while it is completely normal for your memory to be forgetful with things such as tiredness, stress or illness getting in the way.

However, experts have warned a sign in someone’s mood could be a contributing factor towards an early sign of dementia.

Experts at Alzheimer Scotland have warned personality or mood changes can be one early sign. It is all to do with our frontal lobes (which is the largest lobe located in the human brain) and helps us to control things such as our ability to focus on impulse control and emotion.

However, when cells are damaged in this area it can cause changes to someone’s personality.

So if you’re worried about someone you know or can spot changes in your own personality then speak to your GP about your concerns.

You may be then referred to a memory clinic where you will see a specialist and go through tests to get a better understanding of your memory.

What are the signs of dementia?

According to the NHS, symptoms can include:

memory loss

thinking speed

mental sharpness and quickness

language, such as using words incorrectly, or having trouble speaking





difficulties doing daily activities

Of course, every person with dementia is different but the illness affecting them can depend on which area of their brain is the most impacted.

If you’re concerned about any recent changes you can get in contact with Alzheimer’s Society, Care UK or your local GP for more advice and support.


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