Home News Peace lilies with dying blooms will 'recover' with gardener's easy solution

Peace lilies with dying blooms will 'recover' with gardener's easy solution

Craig Morley, based at Budget Seeds, revealed: “Peace lilies are hardy plants, and they can recover from any problems provided it is not too advanced.

“If a peace lily is dying, it will show signs of distress and discolouration in the leaves, but issues normally begin in the roots.”

Help! I overwatered my peace lily houseplant

Browning leaves could be a warning sign of overwatering the peace lily houseplant. Morley advised: “To revive the plant that is dying because of overwatering, try repotting it and trim away any dead roots.

“It should be repotted in fresh, well-draining soil and should not be overwatered.” Morley added: “Try to let the plant’s soil air out between waterings so that the roots can receive oxygen and this will also help to prevent fungal issues.”

The top inch of the soil must be dry before you even think about watering the peace lily again.

Help! My plant is dehydrated

Thirsty peace lilies will develop yellow, then brown leaves, which is a strong signal the plant is dehydrated.

Morley advised: “If the plant is dying due to being underwatered, try soaking the plant in its pot in a basin or bucket of water for around an hour so that the soil can fully rehydrate.

“After the hour period has ended, be sure to drain away excess water and return the peace lily to its usual spot.”

Morley emphasised: “You do not need to begin watering it more frequently to make up for previously underwatering after this.

“Instead, return to a proper watering schedule alongside monitoring the plant more carefully so this issue does not arise again.”

Help! My peace lily isn’t flowering

If peace lilies are left in very shady spots, they could struggle to flower over time.

“They will flower better if placed in an area with indirect sunlight, and will normally begin flowering in early spring with blooms lasting for around four weeks,” said Morley.

“However, peace lilies will only flower when they have reached full maturity, which may indicate why your plant is not flowering if it is still fairly small.”

Morley said: “Once the plant has begun to flower, ensure that you keep on top of deadheading faded blooms, as this will help to keep your peace lily healthy and encourage it to produce more flowers in the future.”

A peace lily may not flower due to improper drainage, so it’s advised to make sure the pot it is sitting in has “plenty of drainage holes”.

Also be aware of a peace lily that has outgrown its pot, which is visible when the roots are poking out of the drainage holes.

In this case, it’s best to remove the plant to another container that is up to two inches larger.


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