Home World 'Panic' in Majorca as locals desperately beg tourists to return after wave...

'Panic' in Majorca as locals desperately beg tourists to return after wave of protests

In response to growing anti-tourism sentiments, a group of residents from Palma and other parts of Majorca have come together to express their appreciation for tourists visiting the island.

During a recent demonstration against overcrowding, this group took action by placing stickers on protest posters and handing out “We love you” cards to tourists.

Operating under the platform welovetourismmallorca.com, these residents reject the increasing hostility towards tourists, emphasizing that “Mallorcans have relied on tourism for a long time.”

They stress the need for “common sense” and warn against “biting the hand that feeds us.”

Preferring to remain anonymous for now, members of the group visited central areas of Palma where tourists frequently gather. They personally handed out cards with messages of gratitude, aiming to reassure visitors of their welcome despite recent tensions.

The platform’s website acknowledged the issue of over-tourism but argued that tourists should not be blamed solely for the problem.

“WeLoveTourismMallorca acknowledges Majorca’s saturation problem but firmly believes that tourists are not solely responsible and that closing our island to them is not the solution,” the statement read.

As they argue tourism is the primary driver of the island’s economy, the group advocates for a broader analysis of the factors contributing to overcrowding and calls for a more nuanced approach.

“We cannot demonise tourism alone, as it is the main engine of our islands’ economy. More parameters should be analysed and other perspectives considered”, they added. 

In an effort to foster community involvement, the platform invited residents to share their opinions and suggestions for addressing these issues.

“We invite society to share their opinions and suggestions on tackling these problems”, the statement also read. “Together, we can find a better future for all. We encourage anyone to submit proposals through this form so we can present them at the negotiation table being organised by the Balearic Government. This is a civil society initiative with no political affiliations.”


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