Kodai Senga took a step in the right direction on Wednesday. The recovering ace tossed around 30 pitches in a bullpen session as he works towards a return from a right shoulder capsule strain that has kept him from throwing a single pitch this season.
“Everything is going well,” Senga told reporters via an interpreter on Wednesday. “Obviously, I want to get out there as soon as possible, but there’s all protocol and the rehab progression. All I can focus on is getting better and getting out there as soon as possible to throw as many innings as possible.”
The ace added that he is confident that he will pitch in the majors this season. Senga’s manager was also pleased with what he saw from the 31-year-old on Wednesday.
“He looks good, used all of his pitches,” Mendoza said. “A good sign that he was smiling after he got done throwing… we’ll continue to progress accordingly. He’s probably got two more before he starts facing hitters. So, if everything continues to progress well, I will anticipate probably another couple of bullpens before he faces hitters.”
The Mets haven’t exactly thrived in the pitching department without Senga as their team’s 4.22 ERA ranks 21st in MLB. The fourth-place Mets will need the right-hander back sooner rather than later if they’re looking to make any type of run this season.
Senga has yet to toe the slab for an encore to his stellar rookie season. The runner-up for the 2023 NL Rookie of the Year recorded a 2.98 ERA in 29 games last season.
After an eventful conclusion with the Mets, Jorge Lopez has found a new home. The right-hander has inked a minor-league deal with the Chicago Cubs,
López was ejected in the top of the eighth inning of the Mets’ 10-3 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers on May 29 after arguing with third base umpire Ramon DeJesus about a check swing call. He then tossed his glove into the stands and issued a curse-filled ranted postgame to the media
“No, I don’t regret it [tossing my glove],” Lopez said. “I think I’ve been looking [like] the worst teammate in the whole f—king MLB, so whatever happens, happens. Whatever they want to do. I’ll be here tomorrow if they want me, or whatever they want to do.”
Lopez was indeed not there the next day as the Mets designated him for assignment leading to him signing with the Cubs. The 31-year-old owned a 3.76 ERA in 28 games with the Amazins this season.